Lincoln W Daniel
1 min readNov 22, 2018


Thanks for trying Smedian. I want to note that on any platform, there will always be winners and losers. Some publications have many followers and some have a manageable amount of followers. That’s just how it’ll work anywhere you go. I am proud to say that 13 of the top 100 publications on Medium are actively seeking new writers through; and a significant amount of the top 500 are also on Smedian accepting new writers; Take a look at this list for the top publications on Medium:

As for not being accepted, depending on the publications you requested, it may be that you were not a great fit for their audience. Keep in mind that all publications have their own cadence of reviewing requests. I hope you were eventually accepted by a publication that is a good fit for your content. If you have any questions, I’m always available to chat:



Lincoln W Daniel

Chief Bull @ ® Elevating writers @ Author @JavaForHumans Ex: Editor in Chief MarkGrowth (acq.), Engineer @Medium @GoPuff